منتدى الجالية العراقية في المهجر
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منتدى الجالية العراقية في المهجر

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 ID Firewall v1.2 جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 82
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/08/2008

ID Firewall v1.2 جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: ID Firewall v1.2 جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز   ID Firewall v1.2 جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء سبتمبر 02, 2008 1:22 pm

ID Firewall v1.2 جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز Bsm118jd3

ID Firewall v1.2

[/url]ID Firewall v1.2 جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز 178848bd21a38dd1a

البرنامج عبارة عن جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز .

ID Firewall is a high-priority security program responsible for your computer’s real-time protection against *******. It blocks access to unauthorized attempts to use your computer, making sure your computer stays safe, free from exposure to internal network attacks, as well as external Internet ones.

-- Monitors program running-attempts
-- Denies access to unauthorized programs
-- Filters at a low level the traffic
-- Reports detailed logging network activity
-- Manages the bandwidth for an application

Detailed features:
ID Firewall is a specialized firewall application designed to ensure safe and controlled network access as well as acting as a checkpoint against attacks from outside and inside your computer.

-- Monitors attempts of all applications trying to run on your computer and filters them according to defined user access rules. You can choose which programs have authorization to run and decide which ones to block.
-- Prevents execution of unauthorized programs. Every attempt to start a program is intercepted and checked by ID Firewall against a user-defined set of rules and permission to run is requested for any program not on that list. Also, a warning sign to run a program shows up in case of an unidentified publisher.
-- Denies access to a series of files, including registry key access, for unauthorized users. Also, real time monitoring of file access ensures better protection by keeping an accurate record of users.
-- Monitors the process list, showing you exact data regarding programs and applications that use the processor. You can use this feature to deny access or to stop suspicious programs from running on your computer thus keeping it safe from any damage or from information loss.
-- Prevents loading of DLLs by running processes. Every attempt to load a DLL or any other type of library file is intercepted and checked for permission, ensuring deeper protection against viruses, Trojans and other spyware and adware.
-- Manages the bandwidth a certain application.
-- Displays detailed network activity logging and keeps record of all network events. In case of a threat, the user can use an emergency button to stop all network transfer by blocking access to a possible hacker.
-- Filters the network traffic based on a customizable ******* filtering option. Files containing unsolicited corrupt information can be detected by checking for certain keywords in their ******* and viruses or Trojans can be blocked once detected.
-- Protects against exploits, Trojans and backdoors, by the use of a low level network traffic filter available in the Advanced Network Guard section.

System Requirements:
Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
300 Mhz processor
3 MB hard drive space
128 MB RAM
Supports Internet Explorer


[url=http://dl3.filesend.net/dl.php?bbb4f4b3c83ada6e3351382b522a90b6]ID Firewall v1.2 جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز 161
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ID Firewall v1.2 جدار ناري خفيف للحماية من تسللات الهاكرز
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